1. For more information on pricing or collections kindly complete the contact form. Quotes are individually prepared based on items included, quantities, paper options and finishes. All prices quoted are subject to change without notice.

  2. A summary of the Terms and Conditions is available on ADS’s website and the obtaining, reading and understanding thereof is solely the client’s responsibility. ADS will in no event be responsible for clients not reading all terms of use for any reason whatsoever. A copy of the written quotation and contract is to be signed and dated by the customer to indicate acceptance and should be returned to ADS which binds the client to accept ADS’s terms and conditions. Should the client not sign and date the written quotation but pays it, this will be taken as understanding, accepting, and agreeing to abide by all of ADS’s terms. ADS reserves the right delay the commencement of any work on any project until either document has been received by ADS. ADS Reserves the right to make any changes to the project, timelines, or proposed pricing without notice subject to availability. ADS requires that acceptance be stated in an email reply. A lack of reply and/or signing and returning the written quotation/estimate will be taken as acceptance. Payment of an invoice is taken as accepting all terms of use and agreement to comply fully with all the Terms and Conditions. To accept the quotation and confirm ADS as the designer of the client’s branding, website, or any other content or brand related service, ADS will require a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total quote. ADS will only commence with the designing process upon receipt of this payment. It is the client’s duty to ensure that the proof of payment is supplied and the date is confirmed to be reserved by ADS. This 50% deposit is due within 14 days of receiving the invoice, counting from the day that the invoice was issued. If the payment is not made within 14 days then a new invoice needs to be requested by the client.

  3. Payment of an invoice is taken as acceptance of all terms. ADS will in no event be responsible for clients not reading all terms of use.

  4. Timely, constructive feedback is required within 3 business days in order to stick to the timelines. Late fees may be added in the case of late replies.

  5. Due to the nature of ADS products and services, all sales are final and deposits are non-refundable once proposals or proofs are created and or sent and once any time has been spent on the project. ADS will not offer returns, refunds or exchanges on any product or service once the proofs have been created, any time has been spent on the project, any design asset or font has been purchased. ADS will not offer retruns, refunds, or exchanges in the even of cancellations or event changes.

  6. The client agrees to supply images in an electronic format, unless otherwise stated, and agrees to send them via e-mail, Dropbox, WeTransfer or similar applications. Only high resolution, professional quality images that require no other subseqeunt processing before use will be accepted unless ADS has been requested to edit images. ADS will not be held responsible for any mage quality which the client later deems to be unacceptable. The client must provide ADS with accurate and correct information of the relevant event, dates, address, names and wording etc. The client must provide ADS with clear and precise instructions on one meail of the intended changes. Multiple emails will not be accepted.

  7. ADS retains ownership of all original artwork, whether preliminary or final unless release is given in writing. 

  8. Upon approval and signing of estimate, a 50% non-refundable deposit is required before any project commences.

  9. ADS reserves the right to amend their terms and conditions. The client is solely responsible for making sure they have received, read, and understood the full list of the most up to date terms and conditions.  

  10. The client is solely responsible for making sure that they have allowed enough time for design and production. Anthos will in no way be responsible for missed deadlines. If clients do not adhere to the suggested deadlines Anthos is in no way responsible or liable.

  11. Subject to any other provision set out in these terms and conditon and without prejudice to any of these provisions or the rights of ADS, or it’s owner, should you be in breach of any provision of this agreement, then ADS will be entitled, without prejudice to any other rights that it may have and to the extent required or permitted, as the case may be, by law, to forthwith: afford you a reasonable opportunity to remedy the breach, taking into account the nature of the breach in question; cancel all agreements concluded between ADS and you; or claim immediate performance and/or payment of all of your obligations in terms hereof.

  12. ADS reserves the right to cancel this agreement and/or terminate any services at any time during the design or production of this product or project in the following instances without any prejudice to their rights and without any further or future recourse: A conflict of interest arises between the parties, nominated preson, client or any other person affiliated with the client; ADS is unable to perofrm their duties; Should the client not provide poper instrucitons to ADS; Should the client be rude, obstructive, threatening, or interfere with ADS’S ability to do other work for whatever reason, Should the client slander other service providers, Any breach of contract by the client. Should the relationship with the client become unproductive due to the client’s non-cooperativeness at any point, If after project commencement client communication (face-to-face, telephone, or email) stops for a period of 14 days without ADS’S notification. In the event of cancellation any and all ownership and copyrights of any and all designs and materials shall be retained solely by ADS. A cancellation fee for work completed shall be paid by the client, with the fee based on the stage of project completion. The fee will not exceed 100 percent of the total project cost. ADS reserves the right to cancel this agreement and/or terminate services in the circumstances above and does so without any prejduce to their rights and without any further recourse of any kind.

  13. Without limiting the generality of the provisions of this agreement, ADS will not be liable for and the client will not have a claim of whatsoever nature aginst ADS as a result of Any damage, loss, cost or claim that the client may suffer or incur arising from any cancellation or termination for any reason contemplated in this agreement; any damage, loss or claim that the client may suffer as a result of late completion of the final product; any typing, spelling or incorrect information on the staiotnery; any damage loss or claim as a result of couriering an/or other delivery of the final product; any changes not affected to the relvant draft as a result of miscummunicaiton or communication not in the prescribed format; any damages, loss cost or claim that the client may suffer as a result of the non-performance or inadequate performance by ADS in the case of such damages being as a result of Acts of God, or any unforeseen circumstance beyond the control of ADS, or any health conditions unforeseen by ADS or otherwise.

Kindly note that these terms are in the process of being updated. For any questions please get in touch via the contact page.


Terms & Privacy Policy


ANTHOS provides the information on these pages as a public service for informational purposes only. Information contained in these pages is not intended to be, and should not be taken as, advice. All information provided through this website, on my blog or through ANTOHS's email subscription are provided "as-is, where-is" and without any warranties of any kind, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Your use of this website does not constitute or establish a contractual relationship with ANTHOS. However, you may subscribe to certain services through this website, in which case you agree to ANTHOS's Terms and Conditions or Design Services Agreement.



Certain links on this site lead to websites controlled by other parties over whom ANTHOS has no control. Therefore, ANTHOS makes no representation or warranty concerning the content or accuracy of third party information and expressly disclaims any liability therefore.



This site and all the information it contains, including, but not limited to, articles, blog posts, designs, drawings, illustrations, photographs, videos, opinions, text, guides, trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos ("Protected Information") are the property of ANTHOS, its contributors, and licensors and is protected from unauthorized use, copying, distribution and dissemination by Copyright law, trademark law, international conventions, and other intellectual property laws. All rights reserved. You may not use MY Protected Information without ANTHOS'S express written consent.



Your privacy is important to Us. Generally, any information collected on this site will not be sold or shared with third parties. ANTHOS collects no personally identifying information (such as name and email address) through its website except when you specifically and knowingly provide the information (for example, when you sign up for our newsletter, ask to be contacted, or subscribe to services). Any information you provide is used solely for the stated purpose unless you agree in advance to additional use (for example, you may be asked if you would like to be added to an email list). You may request at any time to be removed from MY lists. ANTHOS'S website may use "cookies" to collect information, but basic information about your computer and its connection to the Internet (for example, the name of the domain from which you access the Internet, the date and time you access the website, etc.). The generic information is collected by cookies is used only to assist in site management and development for statistical purposes. This website contains links to other websites and ANTHOS is not responsible for the privacy policies of third party websites.


Kindly note that this is a summary of the terms and conditions. clients will receive the full list at the time of booking. The client is solely responsible for making sure they have received, read, and understood the full list of terms and conditions. Anthos design studio will in no way be in any way responsible for clients not receiving, reading, and understanding all terms and conditions.