



I’m so excited you’re here!

My first love was clothes. As young as 12 or 13, I was scouring the designer racks at the mall, saving my babysitting dollars for a treasure found during a good sale. To me, beautiful clothes were artwork and going shopping was a trip to the museum. 

As online shopping grew, I suddenly had access to thousands of different brands and styles. I became an early and ardent online shopping enthusiast, spending hours browsing different sites and learning about different brands – how they fit, when they usually go on sale, who has the best return policy, etc. With the fashion world suddenly available at my fingertips, I started experimenting with different styles and brands.

As my interest in fashion grew, I would often admire a new style on someone else; but, when I tried to emulate it, I rarely felt as confident as I did in my “old faithfuls.” After much trial and error - and wasted dollars - I came to realize that this phenomenon was similar to that of trying on a friend’s perfume: sometimes a fragrance that smells lovely on someone else, just doesn’t smell the same on you. After years of trying on other people’s “perfume,” I arrived at my own style partially out of necessity, as streamlining my wardrobe made getting ready in the morning easier, but also out of instinct. Every time I wanted to look my best, I found myself gravitating towards the same colors, silhouettes and fabrics: a blend of elements that became uniquely mine. I guess you could say that, eventually, I found my “signature scent”, and so can you, with a little help!

 Style is an immensely personal thing, so it’s only fitting that I start by telling you a little bit about myself.


I may have narrowed down my own style, but my appreciation of fashion is vast and diverse.

I love discovering new brands, or rediscovering a brand I may have once loved. I relish the thrill of finding a designer deal, or scoring a $50 no-name dress that looks like a $500 dress. But, while I can bargain hunt with the best of them, I also know that, sometimes, quality is worth the investment.

My love of shopping is ultimately what inspired me to create this business. But, my motivation was also deeply personal in nature: I know what it’s like to be judged by what I wear and how I look. We all do. And, as a business woman working in marketing and advertising for nearly 10 years, I’ve learned how to harness that motivation in a positive way. Now, I want to help other women & men do the same.

My theory is simple: by removing the stress from figuring out what to wear, you can feel confident enough in your outward appearance to let your inner beauty (and brains!) shine. 
